Tee Splash
Tee Splash10th March
B1 2.1
RULESCOORDINATORSREGISTER - 1. Participants must register and bring a valid college ID card.
- 2. Participants must adhere to the theme.
- 3. Participants will be provided with white T-shirts, and are expected to carry their own belongings such as brushes, paints etc.
- 4. Time limit for the competition is 2 hours.
- 5. Participants will be eliminated immediately if any case of plagiarism is found.
- 6. The decision of the judges regarding all matters shall be considered final.
- 7. No political , vulgar and violent picture should be drawn.
- 8. Minimum size of the painting should me 8,3×11,7 (A4 size).
- 9. Try to use cloth colour like poster colour or acrylic colour if possible